
Day 1/Wed, May 29 | Day 2/Th, May 30 | Day 3/Fr, May 31

Please note that this is a Tentative Agenda and subject to change.

Welcome Reception (Tuesday, May 28, 2024)

We will be holding a reception the evening of May 28 at our venue hotel (The DeSoto) from 6:30-8:30pm next to the pool. In case of inclement weather, we will relocate to the Harborview Room on the 15th floor of the hotel. Please stop by to meet other attendees and pick up your badge early. 

Day 1 (Wednesday, May 29, 2024)

8:30-9:10am | Cumberland Ballroom

Welcome and Inaugural Speeches

9:10-12:00pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Plenary Session W-1: International Physical Internet Roadmaps, Progress, and Initiatives

Eric Ballot, Professor and Physical Internet Chair, Mines Paris - PSL (Moderator)

9:10-9:50am | Cumberland Ballroom

Keynote: European Physical Internet Roadmap, Progress, and Initiatives

Fernando Liesa, Secretary General, Alliance for Logistics Innovation Through Collaboration in Europe (ALICE)

10 min for Q&A

9:55-10:35am | Cumberland Ballroom

Keynote: Japan Physical Internet Roadmap, Progress, and Initiatives

Takayuki Mori, Chairman, Japan Physical Internet Center (JPIC)

10 min for Q&A



10:55-11:45am | Cumberland Ballroom

Panel on International Physical Internet Progress

  • Eric Ballot, Professor and Physical Internet Chair, Mines Paris - PSL
  • Shelton Chan, Asia Pacific | Managing Director of Development, Georgia Tech
  • Fernando Liesa, Secretary General, Alliance for Logistics Innovation Through Collaboration in Europe (ALICE)
  • Benoit Montreuil, Director, Physical Internet Center, Professor, Georgia Tech, USA
  • Takayuki Mori, Chairman, Japan Physical Internet Center (JPIC)
  • Uday Venkatadri, Department Head and Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering Dalhousie University

11:45-1:00pm | Madison Ballroom


1:00-4:30pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Plenary Session W-2: Physical Internet Enabled Intermodal Regional Freight System

1:00-1:20pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Introduction: Where We Are Now vs. Next Steps to the Physical Internet

Bill Loftis, Founder and Principal, Supply Chain Ecology

Physically, What Might the System Look Like?

1:20-1:35pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Southeast US Freight System: Hyperconnected 2030+ Map

Sahrish Shaikh, Ph.D. Candidate, Georgia Tech Physical Internet Center

1:35-1:50pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Role of a Regional Gateway, Savannah Port

Tim Marrs, General Manager of Intermodal Operations, Georgia Ports Authority

1:50-2:05pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Introducing Autonomous, Electrified Technology to Enable Low Density Short Haul Rail Transportation

Marty Schlenker, Head of Strategy Parallel Systems




Stakeholder Perspectives

2:35-2:50pm | Cumberland Ballroom

A Shipper’s Perspective on Intermodal

Michelle Livingstone, Former Vice President – Transportation for The Home Depot, Livingstone Consulting

2:50-3:05pm | Cumberland Ballroom

The Great Rail Sustainability Advantage

Josh Raglin, Chief Sustainability Officer, Norfolk Southern Corporation

3:05-3:20pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Short Lines and the Rail Ecosystem – More Advanced Than You May Think

Michael O. Miller, CEO – North America, Genesee & Wyoming

3:20-3:35pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Intermodal Marketing Companies Perspective

Phil Trifiletti, Vice President, Consumer Product Solutions, Hub Group

3:45-4:30pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Panel: How Do We Put It All Together? A Stakeholder Discussion.

Bill Loftis, Founder and Principal, Supply Chain Ecology (Facilitator)
Michelle Livingstone, Tim Marrs, Michael Miller, Josh Raglin, Marty Schlenker, Sahrish Shaikh, Phil Trifiletti (Panelists)

4:35-5:45pm | see each parallel session for room location

Parallel Focused PI Sessions W-A

Focused Session W-A-1: PI-Enabled Intermodal Transportation Network Design and Planning | Cumberland Ballroom

Alan Erera, Associate Chair for Research and Manhattan Associates/Dabbiere Chair Professor, Georgia Tech Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Moderator)

4:35-4:50pm | Cumberland Ballroom

A framework for risk assessment of ammonia storage and bunkering at ports *

Wenhua Qu

4:50-5:05pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Hyperconnected Transportation Planning: Advancing a Multimodal Relay Ecosystem *

Jingze Li, Sahrish Shaikh and Benoit Montreuil

5:05-5:20pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Exploring the Effect of Network Configuration Topologies on the Dynamics of Freight Delivery: A Comparative Analysis of Physical Internet and Traditional Supply Chain Methods 36

Ruohao Chen and Uday Venkatadri

5:20-5:45pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Open Discussion

Focused Session W-A-2: Artificial Intelligence Enabled Physical Internet Capabilities | Sapelo Ballroom

Frederick Benaben, Professor, IMT Mines Albi & Adjunct Professor, ISyE, Georgia Tech

4:35-4:50pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Artificial Intelligence in the Physical Internet 14

Simranjeet Singh Chadha and Uday Venkatadri

4:50-5:05pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Reinforcement Learning-Based Optimization of Logistical Hubs and Routing in the Context of the Physical Internet - A Case Study from Japan 11

Enna Hirata and Hisatoshi Naganawa

5:05-5:20pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Predictive Demand Disruption Signals for Supply Chain Networks 32

Yinzhu Quan, Ashwin Pothen, Yao Xie and Benoit Montreuil

5:20-5:45pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Open Discussion

Day 2 (Thursday, May 30, 2024)

9:00-10:40am | Cumberland Ballroom

Plenary Session T-1: Physical Internet Enabing Disruptive Transformation of the Construction Industry

Leon McGinnis, Professor Emeritus, Georgia Tech Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Moderator)

9:05-9:35am | Cumberland Ballroom

Keynote: Towards Cyber Physical Internet for Smart Modular Integrated Construction

George Q. Huang, Chair Professor and Director of PolyU Research Institute of Advanced Manufacturing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

9:35-10:05am | Cumberland Ballroom

Keynote: Reimagining Construction Powered by the Physical Internet

Todd Ullom, Vice-President of Distributed Construction, MiTek Inc.

10:05-10:40am | Cumberland Ballroom

Open Discussion

George Q. Huang and Todd Ullom



11:00-12:00pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Rod Franklin, Full Professor of Logistics and Academic Director of Executive Education, Kühne Logistics University (Moderator)

Plenary Session T-2: Optimizing Transportation Capacity for a Physical Internet E-commerce Package Network

Alan Erera, Associate Chair for Research and Manhattan Associates/Dabbiere Chair Professor, Georgia Tech Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Open Discussion (20 min)

12:00-1:00pm | Madison Ballroom


1:00-2:00pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Parallel Guest Session T-A-1: World Class Supply Chain Cost and Profit Performance Strategies Fueled By AI/ML

1:00-1:10pm | Cumberland Ballroom


Chris Gaffney, Managing Director, Georgia Tech Supply Chain and Logistics Institute

1:10-1:40pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Pilot Study

Richard Sharpe, CEO, Competitive Insights, LLC

1:40-2:00pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Open Discussion

Chris GaffneyRichard Sharpe

1:00-2:00pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Parallel Guest Panel T-A-2: Resilient, Informed Communities and Supply Chain Logistics

Institute for People and Technologies (IPaT), Georgia Tech (Organizer)

Russell Clark, Senior Research Scientist and Director of GT-RNOC, Georgia Tech (Moderator)


  • Eric Howell, CEO, PortCity
  • Allen Hyde, Associate Professor, School of History and Sociology, Georgia Tech
  • Ofun Maja Egunjobi, CEAR Hub and Harambee House, Georgia Tech

2:05-3:15pm | see each parallel session for room location

Parallel Focused PI Sessions T-B

Focused Session T-B-1: Digital, Collaboration, and Business Models | Cumberland Ballroom

Eric Ballot, Professor and Physical Internet Chair, Mines Paris - PSL (Moderator)

2:05-2:20pm | Cumberland Ballroom

The business model for federated data spaces to facilitate synchromodal logistics 18

Ashish Vadhe, Juan Manuel Pulido, Robert Boute and Valentin Carlan

2:20-2:35pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Gaia-X as an Enabler to Shape Interconnected Logistics in Europe 15

Jonah Windolph, Michael Pahl and Steffen Kaup

2:35-2:50pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Towards Cyber-Physical Internet 26

Hang Wu, Ming Li and George Q. Huang

2:50-3:15pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Open Discussion

Focused Session T-B-2: Hyperconnected Supply Chain Planning and Management | Ossabow Ballroom

Leon McGinnis, Professor Emeritus, Georgia Tech Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Moderator)

2:05-2:20pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Cyber-Physical Internet Based Intelligent Operation Platform for Off-Site Construction Supply Chain Management 29

Li Yin, Ray Y. Zhong and Ming Li

2:20-2:35pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Strategic Network Design for Hyperconnected Mobile Supply Chains 41

Julien Maurice, Soonhong Kwon and Benoit Montreuil

2:35-2:50pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Dynamic Containerized Modular Capacity Planning and Resource Allocation in Hyperconnected Supply Chain Ecosystems 43

Xiaoyue Liu, Yujia Xu and Benoit Montreuil

2:50-3:15pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Open Discussion

Focused Session T-B-3: Dynamic Routing Protocols in Hyperconnected Logistics Networks | Sapelo Ballroom

Alan Erera, Associate Chair for Research and Manhattan Associates/Dabbiere Chair Professor, Georgia Tech Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Moderator)

2:05-2:25pm | Sapelo Ballroom

A protocol for node-to-node transshipment in the PI analogizing from Internet principles

Gero Niemann and Rod Franklin

2:25-2:45pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Dynamic Directional Routing for the Physical Internet: A Sector-Based Approach with Dynamic Adjustment 48

Sahrish Jaleel Shaikh and Benoit Montreuil

2:45-3:15pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Open Discussion



3:35-4:45pm | see each parallel session for room location

Parallel Focused PI Sessions T-C

Focused Session T-C-1: Hyperconnected Transportation and Logistic Network Design | Cumberland Ballroom

Alan Erera, Associate Chair for Research and Manhattan Associates/Dabbiere Chair Professor, Georgia Tech Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Moderator)

3:35-3:50pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Efficient Implementation of Truck Battery Charging and Swapping Stations in Hyperconnected Logistic Networks 31

Priyali Bandla, Guanlin Chen, Benoit Montreuil, Valerie Thomas and Yujia Xu

3:50-4:05pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Battery Swapping and Charging Station System Design in Logistic Hubs for Electric Trucks 33

Guanlin Chen, Yujia Xu, Benoit Montreuil and Valerie Thomas

4:05-4:20pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Network Deployment of Battery Swapping and Charging Stations within Hyperconnected Logistic Hub Networks 30

Yujia Xu, Xiaoyue Liu, Guanlin Chen, Walid Klibi, Valerie Thomas and Benoit Montreuil

4:20-4:45pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Open Discussion

Focused Session T-C-2: Hyperconnected Supply Chain Operations and Nodes | Ossabow Ballroom

Leon McGinnis, Professor Emeritus, Georgia Tech Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Moderator)

3:35-3:50pm | Ossabow Ballroom

A Modular and Flexible Design of Hyperconnected Assembly Factory 24

Wencang Bao, Leon McGinnis, Benoit Montreuil, Miguel Roberto Campos Murcia, Zhihan Liu, Julien Maurice and Sevda Babalou

3:50-4:05pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Exploring IoT's Potential for Risk Management in Prefabricated Construction: A Preliminary Study Towards the Physical Internet 28

Chenglin Yu, Ray Zhong and Ming Li

4:05-4:20pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Simulation-based Assessment of the Impact of the Learning Curve and Robust Worker Scheduling on a PI Inspired Assembly Factory 35

Miguel Campos, Wencang Bao, Julien Maurice, Zhihan Liu, Benoit Montreuil and Leon McGinnis

4:20-4:45pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Open Discussion

Focused Session T-C-3: Adaptive Hyperconnected Network Planning | Sapelo Ballroom

Matthieu Lauras, Professor and Deputy-Head of the Industrial Engineering Center, IMT Mines Albi (Moderator)

3:35-3:50pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Optimization Model-Driven Adaptation in Interconnected Manufacturing Networks 22

Selma Ferhat, Eric Ballot, Raphael Oger and Matthieu Lauras

3:50-4:05pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Physical Internet Inspired Election Systems: Dynamic, Fair, and Secure Election Resource Allocations 47

Tiankuo Zhang, Benoit Montreuil, Ali Barenji and Praveen Muthukrishnan

4:05-4:20pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Assortment Planning under Uncertainty in Physical Internet Enabled Supply Chains 45

Jisoo Park, Walid Klibi and Benoit Montreuil

4:20-4:45pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Open Discussion


Board Bus to Gala Dinner Boat

Day 3 (Friday, May 31, 2024)

9:00-10:40am | Cumberland Ballroom

Plenary Session F-1: Toward Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected City Logistics

Louis Faugere, Research Scientist, Amazon, USA (Moderator)

9:00-9:30am | Cumberland Ballroom

Unlocking the Future of Last Mile Delivery: Automated, Smart, Secure & Sustainable Solutions Right to Your Doorstep

David Ruth, CEO, MOTOGO Systems, USA

9:30-10:00am | Cumberland Ballroom

Toward Hyperconnected City Logistics - On-Demand Synchromodal Urban Delivery Service Project in Bordeaux, France

Olivier Labarthe, Kedge Business School, France

10:00-10:40am | Cumberland Ballroom

Panel Discussion

Louis Faugere, Eric Ballot, Rod Franklin, Olivier Labarthe (Panelists)



11:00-12:00pm | see each parallel session for room location

Parallel Focused PI Sessions F-B

Focused Session F-B-1: Hyperconnected Urban Logistics Ecosystem Design, Planning, and Pricing | Cumberland Ballroom

Alan Erera, Associate Chair for Research and Manhattan Associates/Dabbiere Chair Professor, Georgia Tech Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Moderator)

11:00-11:15am | Cumberland Ballroom

Hyperconnected Urban Delivery with synergized public transportation options and containerization 40

Cecile Dupouy, François Clautiaux, Walid Klibi and Olivier Labarthe

11:15-11:30am | Cumberland Ballroom

Using combinatorial auctions to allocate parcel logistic services in Hyperconnected City Logistics 34

Simon Kwon, Walid Klibi, Mathieu Dahan and Benoit Montreuil

11:30-12:00pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Open Discussion

Focused Session F-B-2: Technological Innovation and Hyperconnected Logistics | Ossabow Ballroom

Frederick Benaben, SIReN Lab Co-Director, Professor IMT Albi, Adjunct Professor, Georgia Tech (Moderator)

11:00-11:15am | Ossabow Ballroom

A Four-Dimensional Spatiotemporal Bin-packing Problem in the Cyber-Physical Internet: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach 25

Yi You and Ming Li

11:15-11:30am | Ossabow Ballroom

A Physical Internet-Enabled Container Loading Solution Leveraging Virtual Reality and Building Information Modeling 37

Jorge Garcia Zamalloa, Julien Maurice, Miguel Campos, Ali Barenji and Benoit Montreuil

11:30-12:00pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Open Discussion

Focused Session F-B-3: Hyperconnected Resilience and Readiness to Risks and Disruptions | Sapelo Ballroom

Uday Venkatadri, Department Head and Professor of Industrial Engineering, Dalhousie University (Moderator)

11:00-11:15am | Sapelo Ballroom

Sustainability and resilience research challenges and opportunities in freight transport systems through the Physical Internet 19

Simon Anthony Lorenzo, Russell Thompson and Greg Foliente

11:15-11:30am | Sapelo Ballroom

Assessing and Enhancing Readiness in Hyperconnected Supply Chains 46

Mahmut Metin Inan, Matthieu Lauras, Mathieu Dahan and Benoit Montreuil

11:30-12:00pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Open Discussion

12:00-1:00pm | Madison Ballroom


1:15-2:15pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Guest Plenary Session F-2: Integrating the Physical Internet into Supply Chain Digital Information Standards

Eric Ballot, Professor and Physical Internet Chair, Mines Paris - PSL (Moderator)

1:15-1:45pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Goods Movement Process Using Transport Unit Identifier: Standardization Towards the Physical Internet

Michael Darden, Digital Information in the Supply Chain: ASTM F49.01 Subcommittee Chair, DFM Data Corp


Open Discussion

2:15-3:15pm | see each parallel session for room location

Parallel Focused PI Sessions F-C

Focused Session F-C-1: Toward Sustainable and Resilient Hyperconnected Regional Logistics | Cumberland Ballroom

Rod Franklin, Full Professor of Logistics and Academic Director of Executive Education, Kühne Logistics University (Moderator)

2:15-2:30pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Demand estimation adapted to hyperconnected transport systems in regional areas 23

Liz Araceli Cristaldo, Eva Petitdemange, Matthieu Lauras and Benoit Montreuil

2:30-2:45pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Resilient Logistics Flow Routing in Hyperconnected Networks 39

Praveen Muthukrishnan, Onkar Kulkarni and Benoit Montreuil

2:45-3:15pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Open Discussion

Focused Session F-C-2: Value of Interconnectivity, Sharing, Trust and Collaboration | Ossabow Ballroom

Uday Venkatadri, Department Head and Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Dalhousie University (Moderator)

2:15-2:30pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Unlocking the Potential of the Physical Internet: a Trust-enabling Decentralized Process Sharing Connector 7

Shiqi Sun, Philippe Michiels, Cathy Macharis, An Cant, Dries Van Bever and Koen Mommens

2:30-2:45pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Value of Physical Internet-driven Collaborative Management in Multi-Actor Supply and Distribution Networks 44

Ashwin Pothen, Sahrish Jaleel Shaikh and Benoit Montreuil

2:45-3:15pm | Ossabow Ballroom

Open Discussion

Focused Session F-C-3: Digital Twin Enhanced Hyperconnected Logistics | Sapelo Ballroom

George Q. Huang, Chair Professor and Director of PolyU Research Institute of Advanced Manufacturing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Moderator)

2:15-2:30pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Unleashing the Potential of Digital Twin-Enhanced Hyper Hubs 38

Ali Barenji, Benoit Montreuil Montreuil and Leon McGinnis

2:30-2:45pm | Sapelo Ballroom

DT-PosFormer: A Digital Twin-enabled Transformer Network for Precise Pose Estimation and Trajectory Prediction of MiC Modules 27

Yujie Han and Zhiheng Zhao

2:45-3:15pm | Sapelo Ballroom

Open Discussion

3:20-4pm | Cumberland Ballroom

Next IPIC Location Announcement and Closing Ceremony

Conference Sponsors

Conference Sponsors

Previous Conferences

IPIC 2023 | IPIC 2021 | IPIC 2020 | IPIC 2019 | IPIC 2018 | IPIC 2017 | IPIC 2016 | IPIC 2015 | IPIC 2014

About IPIC

The IPIC conference series supports the Physical Internet Initiative.

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