
Photos by Bunny Ware
Photos taken by Savannah photographer Bunny Ware. Please note that if you publicly post any of these photos, credit should be given to the photographer.

IPIC 2024 - Welcome Reception

IPIC 2024 - Day 1

IPIC 2024 - Day 2

IPIC 2024 - Day 3

IPIC 2024 - Gala Dinner Cruise

Conference Sponsors

Conference Sponsors

Previous Conferences

IPIC 2023 | IPIC 2021 | IPIC 2020 | IPIC 2019 | IPIC 2018 | IPIC 2017 | IPIC 2016 | IPIC 2015 | IPIC 2014

About IPIC

The IPIC conference series supports the Physical Internet Initiative.

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