P1: Industry approach to standards, interoperability and open connectivity: Evidence and future developments  


Plenary 1 | Tuesday, 13th JUNE, 11.30 - 12.30 


The Physical Internet comprises of key building blocks that connect fragmented solutions and system silos via open standards and protocols. One of such building blocks is interoperability between various stakeholders within the freight transport & logistics ecosystem. While information exchange is crucial to ensure discoverability and identification of underutilized assets, infrastructures and supply chain events, it is even more important to implement a standardized approach to facilitate data and information exchange, enabling systemic collaboration. In that regard, open and universally adopted standards form an imperative pillar to enable seamless and end-to-end (digital) collaboration. Nevertheless, standards need to be used by a critical mass of stakeholders with a low-cost adoption to make them effective and desirable. Therefore, the objective of this session is to convey the latest and future developments in industry standards and processes from different logistics domains; container shipping, terminal operations, port communities and open collaborative networks of companies.  

Keywords: Standardization, Interoperability, Harmonization, Cross-sectorial collaboration, ports, corridors, shipping, hubs, containers. 


Moderator: Tomas Ambra, Program Manager & Technical Lead, ALICE 

  • Javier Gallardo, Chairman, IPCSA
  • Jose Maldonado, Secretary General, Terminal Industry Committee (TIC 4.0) 
  • Andreas Nettsrater, CEO, Open Logistics Foundation (OLF)  
  • Benoit Tiers, EVP, Chief Digital & Technology Officer · GEODIS 
  • Nik Delmeire, Coordinator of EU-IWT-Platform / Vice Chair ALICE TP / Boardmember WATERBORNE TP, EU Inland Waterway Transport Platform














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